The Armchair Adventure Festival gets support from Honda UK.
Fantastic news! Honda UK will be teaming up with the Armchair Adventure Festival to bring you an even better festival this winter!
Honda UK will be offering support from the Honda Adventure Centre and the iconic Honda Africa Twin! We’ll be bringing you some truly awesome content from both the Africa Twin and the Adventure Centre this winter and in return Honda are going to help us make the Winter Festival even bigger and better than the first one!
We’re seriously excited for this project. Good things usually happen when we work with Honda! The last time we worked together on something we drove a Honda SH300i and our home-made sidecar along the Trans-Siberian highway – in mid-winter! We’re hoping this project will still be packed full of adventure but preferably a bit warmer…
Our Honda SH300i still going strong in deepest Siberia, the last time we took on a winter project with Honda…