This years Armchair Adventure Festival is almost here! Check out the full range of AAF activities you are able to book in advance below. Most pre bookable activities are premium activities. Nordic Walking is free but is capped by capacity. You'll also find a breakdown of prices and if you require any further info or would like to book, just click which one you are interested in and it will take you through to your booking platform of choice. Don't forget, there are plenty of activities included in the price of your festival ticket that you do not need to book in advance. These include Mountian Biking, Yoga, Tree Climbing, Fire Lighting and much more!
**Any festival activities not included in the below are not available for pre booking and can only be booked at the event.**
Happy booking! Any questions just let us know and for the activities you definitely would like to do, make sure you book in advance to avoid disappointment! Any questions, feel free to send us a message via the icon in the bottom right corner and we'll reply as soon as possible! And for a full list of activities click the below link!